
How to Choose the Right Business for Your Canadian Investor Visa Application

Canada offers several investor visa and investment immigration programs that provide opportunities for foreign investors to obtain permanent residency in the country. These programs aim to attract investors who can contribute to the Canadian economy through their investment and entrepreneurial skills. Governments all across the world are using technology more and more in immigration and integration procedures. The Canadian government has ensured to make efforts to improve future citizens’ experiences as investors who obtain their citizenship boost their country’s economy, growth, and development.

                                                                         Source: The Conservation

The above graph shows that Canada’s new Immigration level plan aims to provide 465,000 permanent residencies in 2023, 485,000 permanent residencies in 2024, and 500,000 in 2025. Immigrants are a vital part of the Canadian economy and social fabric. Immigration Minister Sean Fraser stated that Canada’s new immigration goal of 500,000 permanent residents annually by 2025 strikes a balance between economic requirements and international duties.

Different Types of Investor Programs

Canada Start-up Visa Program

The Canada Start-up Visa Program is aimed at business owners with creative ideas for ventures. Applicants must get a commitment from an approved Canadian venture capital fund, angel investor organization, or business incubator to be considered. Recipients are given a work permit and may then apply for permanent residence. You must own at least 50% of the voting rights associated with all of the company’s shares, or at least 10% of the voting rights associated with all of the company’s shares, together with the designated organization. It will cost 200,000 CAD from a Canadian venture capitalist, 75,000 CAD from an angel investor, and nothing at all if your company is accepted into a Canadian business incubator program.



The figure shows the admission of Permanent residents through the Start-Up Visa Program from the year 2015 to 2022 quarter 1. This graph shows that  Business investment in Canada has increased after Covid and is expected to be higher by the end of 2023.

Provincial Nominee Programmes (PNPs)

There are different provincial nominee programs in Canada, some of which feature investor or entrepreneur streams. Provinces can suggest foreign investors through these programs who can boost the regional economy. Each province has different qualifying standards and investment restrictions. Express Entry and Non-Express Entry processes are the two categories.

Atlantic Immigration Pilot Program (AIPP)

The Atlantic Immigration Pilot Program is a collaboration between the federal government and the Atlantic provinces of Canada. It includes an entrepreneur stream that targets experienced business owners and requires a minimum business investment in Canada for a new or existing business.

Self-Employed Persons Programme

Those who want to work for themselves in Canada and have appropriate expertise in the arts or sports are eligible for the Self-Employed Persons Programme. Candidates must show that they have the potential to significantly advance their professions.


                                                                             Source: y-Axis

The above pictorial representation throws insights into the number of permanent immigrants and various allotments based on factors and specifications. It is shown that by the end of 2023, 465000 permanent residents will be brought to Canada where 266,210 will be in economic class, 1,06,500 in family class, and 76,305 in Refugees. The estimated number of newcomers via PNP immigrating to Canada is 105,500 and 15,985 will be through Humanitarian based programs. Also, the number of newcomers through express entry is estimated to be 82,800 and 28,500 under the parents and grandparents program.

Factors one should consider while selecting the right business for a Canadian Investor Visa application

Understand the Investment Objectives and Preferences:

Before diving into the search for a suitable business, it is essential to clarify the investment objectives and preferences. Consider factors such as financial goals, industry expertise, risk tolerance, and personal interests and understand them to make the decision-making process and help narrow down the options.

Proper Research

The Canadian business landscape should be researched to get knowledge of booming industries, market trends, and investment prospects. Take into account elements like regulatory environment, capacity for growth, economic stability, and support for foreign investment. Conduct thorough research using reliable sources, consult industry reports, and leverage professional networks to gather valuable information about the opportunities for Business investment in Canada.

Seek Professional Guidance

Engage in the services of professionals who specialize in Canadian immigration and Canada start-up visa program. An experienced immigration lawyer, business consultant, or investment advisor can provide invaluable guidance throughout the process. They can help you understand the legal requirements, and ensure compliance with immigration and business regulations. Their expertise will significantly enhance your chances of selecting the right business and successfully navigating the investor visa application process.

Consider Regional Opportunities

Canada is a vast country with diverse regional economies. Consider exploring investment opportunities in specific regions that align with your investment objectives and preferences. Analyze factors such as population growth, industry clusters, infrastructure development, and government incentives. Some provinces or territories may have specific investment programs or targeted sectors that offer additional benefits to foreign investors. Assessing regional opportunities can help you narrow down your search and identify business prospects that are well-suited to your goals.

Conduct Due Diligence

Thorough due diligence is critical when evaluating potential businesses for investment. Scrutinise financial statements, market projections, business plans, and legal documents. Assess the company’s track record, reputation, and growth potential. Seek independent professional advice to evaluate the financial viability, potential risks, and returns on investment. Additionally, conduct background checks on key stakeholders and ensure compliance with anti-money laundering regulations.


Selecting the right business for your Canadian Investor Visa application is a crucial step toward achieving your immigration and investment goals. By understanding your investment objectives, conducting thorough research, seeking professional guidance, considering regional opportunities, and conducting due diligence, you can make an informed decision. Remember that the business you choose should not only meet the Canada start-up visa program requirements but also align with your long-term financial objectives and personal interests. With careful consideration and expert support, you can set yourself up for success in your Canadian investor journey. The different programs offered have different criteria and it is essential to evaluate different options and opportunities that are best convenient to the investor as well as for his business.


The Role of Citizenship by Investment Programs in Global Mobility

In today’s interconnected world, global mobility has become a significant factor for investors seeking enhanced opportunities, security, and access to a broader range of benefits. Citizenship by Investment (CBI) programs have emerged as a pathway for investors to obtain second citizenship or residency in a foreign country through investment. Citizenship by Investment programs has witnessed a surge in popularity in recent years. These programs enable investors to obtain citizenship or residency in a foreign country by making a significant investment, typically in real estate, business ventures, or government bonds. This avenue allows them to bypass lengthy immigration processes and stringent eligibility criteria, providing an expedited pathway to a new legal status.

At present a large number of the countries that offer citizenship by investment are in the Caribbean. The most prominent and long-running program is the CBI program in St. Kitts and Nevis, which was founded in 1984. It is also among the most recognized in the field and is known as the “Platinum Standard”. Dominica’s Citizenship by Investment program was established in 1993 and has consistently held the top spot for five years. The demand for the Dominica Citizenship by Investment program and St. Kitts and Nevis Citizenship by Investment program is growing as a result of the two Caribbean countries’ excellent standards of living, secure environments, and investment prospects.

Benefits of Citizenship by Investment Programs :

Enhanced Global Mobility:

One of the primary advantages of CBI programs is the greater travel freedom they offer. Investors who obtain second citizenship or residency through these programs gain access to a large number of countries with visa-free or visa-on-arrival privileges. This facilitates business opportunities, and international networking, and provides investors with the flexibility to explore various countries without the need for additional visas or restrictions. 111 countries do not require a visa for Dominican nationals to enter, while 31 nations will issue one to them when they arrive. Passport holders from Saint Kitts and Nevis currently have visa-free travel to 153 international locations.
SOURCE: Immigrant Invest

The above picture shows visa-free destinations for Caribbean passport holders. The Caribbean passport gives visa-free access to more than 140 countries where Caribbean citizens can enter and stay for 180 days in the UK without a visa.

Caribbean passport holders can apply for US tourist visas more easily. For instance, Caribbean passport holders receive visas from US consulates in 2–3 weeks, and the visas are valid for 10 years, whereas investors from Azerbaijan must wait 3–4 months or longer.

Industry Standards and Best Practices:

Establishing guidelines and best practices for CBI programs ensures transparency, integrity, and adherence to global standards. This fosters trust among investors, governments, and stakeholders, bolstering the program’s credibility and attractiveness, while promoting fair and accountable processes. Therefore providing an added advantage to investors interested in Citizenship by Investment program.

Diversification of Opportunities:

CBI programs provide investors with the opportunity to diversify their business operations, investments, and assets across multiple jurisdictions. By acquiring second citizenship or residency, investors can enjoy the benefits of different legal systems, tax regimes, and investment environments. This diversification allows for greater flexibility in managing wealth, mitigating risks, and capitalizing on international business prospects. Dominica for Citizenship by Investment does not require the investor to automatically pay Dominica tax on dividends, interest, and royalties unless the investor chooses to remain on the island. Capital gains and inheritance are not taxed. The income tax, which can be as high as 35% for people and 25% for businesses, is the major tax in Dominica. Global mobility is made possible by these advantages provided by various nations as more investors show an interest in obtaining citizenship through investment.

Safety and Security:

Another significant advantage of CBI programs is access to political stability and a robust legal framework that comes with obtaining citizenship or residency in certain countries. These factors contribute to a secure environment for investors and their families, safeguarding their assets and offering protection against political or economic uncertainties in their home countries.

Source: Echeverria Abogados

The chart compares the government efficiency management score from Deep Knowledge Analytics (DKA) with the GRPI (Global Residence Programme Index) score from Henley & Partners. Deep Knowledge Analytics (DKA) is a data-driven analytical company that specializes in providing comprehensive assessments of various sectors, including government efficiency management. They utilize advanced algorithms and data analysis techniques to evaluate and rank different aspects of government performance. On the other hand, Henley & Partners’ Global Residence Program Index (GRPI) is an index that assesses and compares the attractiveness and efficiency of residence-by-investment programs worldwide. It evaluates factors such as the quality of the program, the reputation and transparency of the host country, and the overall benefits and freedom of movement it offers to participants. Comparing analytics and program index helps investors calculate the risk involved while selecting the country for their citizenship.

Technological Advancements:

The integration of technology is transforming the landscape of CBI programs. Digital identity verification, blockchain-based solutions, and online application processes are streamlining procedures, enhancing security, and improving the overall user experience. These technological advancements are expected to contribute to greater efficiency, transparency, and accessibility in CBI programs.

Challenges and Considerations

To maintain the integrity of CBI programs, it is crucial to implement robust due diligence procedures. These measures ensure that only reputable investors are granted citizenship, preventing abuse of the program and safeguarding the host country’s reputation. Stricter due diligence processes have been introduced to combat money laundering, terrorism financing, and other illicit activities. Schemes that allow a taxpayer access to a low personal income tax rate of less than 10% on offshore financial assets and do not demand a considerable amount of physical presence for at least 90 days in the country providing the citizenship by investment scheme are potentially high-risk.

Dominica is an advocate for more collaboration across countries that provide citizenship by investment when it comes to due diligence. The JRCC of CARICOM is one of the regional law enforcement agencies taking part in Dominica and St. Kitts and Nevis’ due diligence. Countries like Dominica commit to international safety and openness in a number of ways, coordination among Caribbean member states being only one of them. For instance, Dominica makes available every successful applicant’s name in its official quarterly gazette. Dominica also ensures that funds received through the Programme are itemized in the National Budget – so anyone can see how CBI money is being spent

The Future of Citizenship by Investment Programs

The demand for CBI programs is expected to continue increasing as investors seek greater mobility, access to opportunities, and the desire for a better quality of life. This growing demand has led to more countries considering launching or enhancing their CBI programs. Consequently, increased competition among countries offering such programs is likely to drive improvements in program features, benefits, and investor experiences.

Source: Henleyglobal

The figure shows Henley Passport Power and Foreign Direct Investment Inflows of Selected Economies. The two nations with the highest HPP scores are Singapore and Japan, with 98% and 89%, respectively. Singapore has a residence-by-investment program, in contrast to Japan, with a minimum investment of SGD 2.5 million (about USD 1.8 million). It’s interesting to note that Singapore has substantially higher foreign direct investment (FDI) inflows as a percentage of GDP than Japan does (see Figure 2).

Furthermore, despite having modest GDPs, investment migration host nations Malta, Singapore, and the UAE have high HPP rankings because of their strong external power.

Despite the size of their economies, FDI inflows account for a sizeable share of each country’s GDP. Visibly, investment migration countries with low HPP ratings (like Malaysia and Turkey) have higher relative FDI inflows than resident and citizenship by investment nations with high HPP values (like Mauritius, the USA, and the aforementioned).

The HPP scores of the world’s two biggest economies, the USA and China, are 68% and 26%, respectively. Only the United States has an investor migration program between these two nations. However, the USA and China both have lower FDI inflows as a percentage of GDP (1% versus 2%). This mismatch shows that attracting foreign direct investment is influenced by a wide range of economic and political issues, not merely the presence of a residency or citizenship.


Programs for citizenship by investment have become essential tools for promoting global mobility, giving people quick methods to become citizens or residents of other nations. These initiatives significantly contribute to increasing economic growth, supporting global citizenship, and facilitating international mobility. The demand for CBI programs is expected to continue increasing as investors seek greater mobility, access to opportunities, and the desire for a better quality of life. This growing demand has led to more countries considering launching or enhancing their CBI programs. Consequently, increased competition among countries offering such programs is likely to drive improvements in program features, benefits, and investor experiences.

If you still have any queries, connect with our team, and we will be more than happy to assist you .


Don’t Make These Common Tax Mistakes When Seeking a Second Passport

Obtaining a second passport through a Citizenship by Investment (CBI) program has become an appealing option for investors seeking enhanced global mobility, expanded business opportunities, and increased personal freedom. However, amidst the excitement of acquiring a second passport, it is crucial to navigate the complex realm of taxes to avoid common tax mistakes that can have severe financial implications and legal consequences. Understanding the tax obligations and pitfalls associated with seeking a second passport is paramount to ensuring a smooth and successful journey.

By making a sizeable financial contribution to a host nation, investors can get a second passport through the notion of citizenship by investment program. While the benefits are undeniable, it is essential to be aware of the tax implications that accompany this process. Failure to comprehend the obligations related to tax laws can lead to penalties, fines, and legal consequences. Additionally, investors often overlook the requirement to report foreign assets acquired during the process, which can result in severe penalties and criminal charges.

Failure to Understand Residency and Tax Obligations:

Acquiring a second passport has far-reaching implications for one’s residency status and tax obligations. It is essential to understand the tax laws and residency requirements of both the home country and the country granting the second passport. 

Many investors fail to realize that obtaining a second passport may trigger tax obligations in both jurisdictions. If these requirements are not met, there may be fines, penalties, or even legal repercussions. Seek expert tax guidance to make sure one is informed of the obligations and can successfully negotiate the tax environment in order to avoid these hazards. For instance, Caribbean countries do not pay taxes on capital gains or inheritance. A few of them even pay no income taxes. Income taxes are imposed in Grenada, Dominica, and St. Lucia. While investors who obtained citizenship through Dominica Citizenship by Investment program pay taxes on their worldwide income, citizenship obtained through the Grenada Citizenship by Investment program and Saint Lucia Citizenship by Investment program solely pay tax money made within the nation.

At least 183 days a year are spent in the listed Caribbean nations to be a tax-paying resident so an investor can get a passport but not become a tax resident of the state. Participation in citizenship by investment programs exempts candidates from the requirement that they have to live in the Caribbean for a significant amount of time before or after becoming citizens.

Source: Immigrant Invest

From the above graph, we can see that number of applicants keeps on increasing which resulted in earnings of approximately 362.5 million Eastern Caribbean dollars therefore setting a record of having 23% more than in 2021 and 30% more than in 2020. One of the main reasons is that tax is to be paid only for the income made in the nation which attracts investors for Grenada Citizenship by Investment Program.

Neglecting Tax Reporting for Foreign Assets

One of the common tax mistakes investors make when seeking a second passport is neglecting to report foreign assets acquired during the process. Acquiring a second passport often involves substantial investments, such as purchasing property, establishing businesses, or making financial investments. Many investors overlook the obligation to report these assets and the income generated from them to their home tax authorities. However, tax authorities are increasingly cracking down on undisclosed offshore assets. Failing to report foreign assets can lead to severe penalties and even criminal charges. 

In order to maintain compliance and prevent potential legal repercussions, it is imperative to understand the reporting obligations and take into account consulting a tax specialist for advice. An important step forward in American efforts to prevent tax evasion by Americans who keep accounts and other financial assets abroad is the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA). This act is crucial for investors seeking US Citizenship by Investment. FATCA guidelines are still being developed by the Treasury Department and the IRS. According to information available till March 2023, Americans who have a financial stake in or signing power over a foreign financial account are obliged to file a Report of Foreign Bank and Financial Accounts if the total value of all of their overseas accounts exceeds $10,000.

Overlooking Double Taxation Agreements (DTAs)

Holding citizenship in multiple countries can give rise to the concern of double taxation, where the same income is subject to taxation in both jurisdictions. To mitigate this issue, countries often enter into Double Taxation Agreements (DTAs) to avoid investors being taxed twice on the same income. However, investors seeking a second passport often overlook the existence and relevance of DTAs. One can minimize the tax liabilities and prevent the hardship of double taxation by being familiar with the DTAs between their home country and the nation issuing the second passport. Investors can structure their financial affairs in a tax-efficient manner by being aware of the provisions of these agreements. 

According to the study EY 2019, citizenship alone is insufficient to guarantee tax residency in a country, hence citizenship by investment does not offer a risk of facilitating tax evasion. A dual tax resident must pay tax to one of the two countries, according to “tie-breaker tests” in DTAs. The tie-breaker tests under the United Nations’ proposed model DTA “do not consider citizenship at all.” Instead, they take into account the person’s primary residence, place of importance, and usual dwelling. The Citizenship by Investment schemes does not help people who want to avoid paying taxes or because they can only grant citizenship, not tax residence.

Tax residency is determined by a person’s centre of vital interests or domicile or the location where they have a permanent intention to reside as evidenced by past or present habitual residence. Therefore, merely being eligible for St. Lucia citizenship by investment program, Dominica citizenship by investment program, or St. Kitts and Nevis citizenship by investment program is not sufficient to make an investor a tax resident of these jurisdictions,” because it is “very rare” for citizenship alone to determine tax residency, with the United States being the most noteworthy exception.

Ignoring Exit Tax and Relocation Costs

When seeking a second passport, investors may overlook the potential exit taxes imposed by their home country when relinquishing their citizenship. On the basis of the value of the assets at the time of exit, exit taxes are frequently determined. Additionally, moving costs, visa fees, and legal fees are just a few additional expenses that may be incurred while shifting to a new nation. Ignoring these prospective expenses and neglecting to plan for them can result in unforeseen monetary burdens. It is crucial to consider exit taxes and relocation costs when planning a second passport journey to avoid any unwelcome surprises. The majority of programs require an investment in order to qualify, hence tax is also involved. Stamp taxes, property taxes, VAT taxes, and other taxes may be incurred while buying real estate in order to obtain an RBI visa unless the country in question has a zero tax rate in one or more of these areas. In these scenarios, investors, like the majority of people, will examine the available tax options and ceteris paribus choose the option with the lowest taxes, which is a tax-avoiding strategy but is not tax evasion.


The above graph shows the number of individuals removed from their native land and the number reported. The expat list includes names of US citizens who have given up their citizenship as well as long-term US residents who have given up their green cards and who either have a minimum net worth of US$2 million or a five-year average of US tax payments that exceed US$178,000. Investors who renounce their US citizenship or permanent residency might anticipate paying an “exit tax” on all of their foreign assets worth more than USD$2 million, valued as if they were sold on the day of renunciation and this information is crucial for investors seeking US Citizenship through Investment.


Acquiring a second passport through a citizenship-by-investment program is an exciting endeavour with numerous benefits. However, it is essential to navigate the tax implications wisely to avoid common tax mistakes that can have significant financial consequences. By understanding residency and tax obligations, reporting foreign assets, leveraging double taxation agreements, implementing tax planning strategies, and considering exit taxes and relocation costs, one can protect their financial well-being and ensure compliance with tax regulations. Seek professional tax advice tailored to specific situations to make informed decisions and optimize tax position while enjoying the benefits of a second passport through a citizenship-by-investment program.

If you still have any queries, connect with our team, and we will be more than happy to assist. Click Here


What Happens When You Lose Your Citizenship? The Legal Consequences and Remedies

Our identity is fundamentally shaped by our citizenship, which gives us a sense of community and a variety of rights and advantages. Investors, however, occasionally face the unfortunate possibility of losing their citizenship due to unforeseen events. This loss can occur due to various reasons, including voluntary renunciation, involuntary revocation, or other unforeseen events. When it comes to citizenship by investment, understanding the legal consequences of losing citizenship becomes even more crucial. It is important to understand what happens when you lose your citizenship and delve into the legal implications and potential remedies, specifically in the context of citizenship by investment. 

The loss of rights and privileges, the impact on immigration and residency status, the concern for national security and extradition, as well as the disruption of family and heritage ties come into the picture when an investor loses his citizenship. Additionally, remedies, such as appealing the decision, seeking alternative citizenship through investment programs, and considering dual citizenship options are to be further discussed.

The Legal Consequences of Losing Citizenship:

Loss of Rights and Privileges:

People who lose their citizenship frequently lose access to a range of former rights and benefits. In accordance with a United Nations study, those who lose their citizenship might not be able to vote, work, live in that nation, or use its social services or healthcare system. Additionally, the ability to travel freely and enjoy consular protection from the former country of citizenship may also be compromised. For being eligible for Turkey Citizenship by Investment program, the minimum investment for real estate purchases was increased to $400,000 on June 12th, 2022, and not abiding by the same would lead to losing citizenship.

Immigration and Residency Status:

For individuals residing in a country as citizens, losing citizenship can have significant implications on their immigration and residency status. They might be subject to immigration laws, necessitating the acquisition of a suitable visa or permit to be allowed to remain in the nation legally. For instance, losing citizenship in the US may necessitate a person applying for non-immigrant visas or legal permanent residence (green card). Investors can invest in UK government bonds, shares, or loan capital of operational companies registered in the UK, or they can make a sizable purchase to qualify for UK Citizenship by Investment status. Investors must put at least £2,000,000 into existing British companies’ shares or bonds. In order to invest in their own business in the UK, innovators must have at least £50,000. The investor may add an additional two years to the visa. This calls for keeping the investment in place for 40 months before requesting an extension. The money may be refunded after five years.

National Security and Extradition:

In cases where citizenship is revoked or renounced due to actions deemed detrimental to national security or involvement in criminal activities, losing citizenship can lead to additional legal consequences. It may result in increased scrutiny, surveillance, or potential extradition to face charges in the former country of citizenship. The Global Citizenship Observatory (GLOBAL CITY) reports that some countries, such as the United Kingdom, have provisions for revoking citizenship on grounds of national security.

Source: Globalcit

The Figure illustrates the distribution of nations for territorial citizenship acquired based on birth. We can see that although unconditional birth in the territory of a state, which is mostly found in the Americas, may be rare, it is nonetheless existent in up to 19% of countries worldwide. In addition, another 17% of nations have a variety of conditional birth in the territory of a state, where children born in the territory only acquire the citizenship of that country, regardless of the parental citizenship, if a parent was born on the territory or owns a certain resident title. Parental group or gender limitations are in place in 11 nations.

Family and Heritage Ties and Limitations on Dual Citizenship:

The loss of citizenship can disrupt familial and heritage ties, impacting family reunification, inheritance rights, and the ability to pass down citizenship to future generations. The International Organization for Migration highlights that individuals who lose their citizenship may face difficulties in maintaining family connections and accessing family reunification processes. Certain countries do not allow dual citizenship, and loss of citizenship may be a consequence of acquiring citizenship in another country. According to a study by the University of Michigan, approximately 66 countries prohibit or restrict dual citizenship. Investors considering acquiring second citizenship must carefully consider the legal implications and potential consequences before pursuing dual citizenship.

Remedies for Lost Citizenship:

Appeal or Judicial Review:

In some cases, individuals may have the right to appeal or seek judicial review of the decision to revoke or deny citizenship. Engaging legal counsel with expertise in immigration and citizenship law is crucial to explore the available legal remedies and challenging the decision through administrative or judicial processes. According to data from the Migration Policy Institute, the success rates of citizenship appeals vary across countries, highlighting the importance of seeking professional assistance.


The data above represents the net international immigrants. We can see that there is a sharp decline in the number of individuals after the year 2016 and further decline after 2020 due to COVID. The number of international immigrants increase after the year 2022 showing that the rules and regulations have been made friendlier to the investors looking for Citizenship by investment.

Naturalization or Citizenship by Investment:

For individuals who have lost their citizenship, obtaining citizenship in another country through naturalization or a citizenship-by-investment program may be a viable option. According to the Henley Passport Index, citizenship by investment programs, such as Turkey’s Citizenship by Investment program and UK Citizenship by Investment program has gained popularity. These pathways provide an opportunity to regain the benefits and rights associated with citizenship. The country Turkey makes an average of $250 million every month from its foreign investors only and citizens with a Turkish passport can visit around 110 nations without the requirement for a visa, a visa on arrival, or an Electronic Travel Authorization.

Asylum or Refugee Status:

When losing citizenship puts a person in danger of persecution or harm, they may be offered protection and legal recourse by applying for asylum or refugee status in another nation. Individuals who have lost their citizenship owing to discriminatory practises or persecution may be eligible for asylum or refugee status, according to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). Data on about 4.4 million stateless people living in 95 countries as of the end of 2022 have been compiled. The true sum, according to estimates, is significantly larger. In 2022, 339,300 people fled their home countries as refugees, while 114,300 people were resettled with or without UNHCR assistance.

Dual Citizenship Options and International Human Rights Mechanisms:

Where it is legal, considering the option of obtaining dual citizenship can assist people in keeping ties to their old nation of citizenship while taking advantage of citizenship in another. According to the CIA World Factbook, several nations, including Canada and Switzerland, permit dual citizenship under specific circumstances, giving people the chance to maintain ties to their ancestry while making use of second citizenship. People can seek redress through international human rights institutions if they feel that losing their citizenship breaches their human rights. According to the Amnesty International Report, individuals can file complaints with relevant human rights bodies or engage non-governmental organizations specialized in human rights advocacy. These mechanisms provide a platform for addressing citizenship-related issues from a human rights perspective.

Source: Macimide

Based on the graph depicted in the Dataset’s over 10,000 country-year data, we can see that, in 1960, the majority of nations 62% still had a conventional unfavorable attitude towards dual citizenship. A citizen who willingly gains the citizenship of another state forfeits their citizenship under this stringent policy. However, 76 percent of nations will still tolerate dual citizenship by 2020 and let persons voluntarily get citizenship in another nation without adverse effects on their citizenship of origin.


Losing citizenship is a significant and life-altering event with wide-ranging legal consequences. It is essential for individuals facing this situation to seek expert legal advice to understand their rights, explore potential remedies, and navigate the complex legal landscape. Whether through legal challenges, naturalization in another country, or exploring dual citizenship options, individuals may find paths to regain the benefits and protections associated with citizenship. By gaining insights into these legal consequences and available remedies, investors can make informed decisions and mitigate the challenges associated with losing their citizenship through a citizenship-by-investment program.

If you still have any queries, connect with our team, and we will be more than happy to assist. Click Here


The Impact of the Biden Administration on US Immigration Policies

The Biden Administration has brought forth significant changes to US immigration policies, departing from the restrictive stance of the previous administration. According to CNN News, over 45 million legal immigrants reside in the United States, the majority of whom are citizens. The administration has introduced important changes and opportunities for foreign investors seeking to obtain permanent residency through the US Green Card by Investment and US Investor Visa programs. The key impacts of the Biden Administration’s approach to immigration include the reversal of certain policies, the introduction of new initiatives, and the broader implications for immigrants, asylum-seekers, and the US immigration system as a whole.

Reversal of Restrictive Policies

Several severe, restrictive immigration laws established by the previous government have been overturned by the Biden government. The main goals of these adjustments were to restore humanitarian values, promote inclusivity, and provide aid to those suffering as a result of the previous administration’s actions. Among the notable adjustments were cancelling the “Remain in Mexico” policy, easing travel restrictions on countries with sizable Muslim populations, reinstating the “Remain in Mexico” policy, and reinstatement of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. Additionally, the Temporary Protected Status and Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals programs give almost 1 million undocumented immigrants temporary authorization to reside and work in the United States.

Source: CQPress

The graphical representation above shows that the majority approves Biden’s Immigration Policies based on data collected between January 28th to February 1st  2021. 54% of the sample population are in favour of halting the construction of the US wall along the U.S.- Mexican border, 83% of the sample population are in favour of citizenship for undocumented immigrants brought to the US as children and 57% of the sample population are supporting reversing Trumps’s travel ban on people from predominantly Muslim countries.

New Initiatives and Reforms

To address many facets of the immigration system, the Biden Administration has also unveiled new projects and suggested improvements. This includes the U.S. Citizenship Act of 2021, a comprehensive immigration reform bill that aims to give undocumented immigrants pathways to citizenship, strengthen border security, and give family reunion priority. Executive orders have also been issued to create task groups that are dedicated to reuniting split-up families and tackling the underlying reasons for migration from Central American countries. The limit on refugees has been raised by Biden to 125,000 for the fiscal year 2022, which began on October 1, 2021.

US Green Card by Investment Program

The US Green Card by Investment Programme, also known as the EB-5 Immigrant Investor Programme, provides a mechanism for foreign investors who invest significant amounts in a qualifying US venture to get permanent residency. This program continues to give people the chance to invest in businesses that generate jobs, boost local economies, and get a Green Card for themselves and their families under the Biden Administration. The application procedure is now more streamlined for candidates due to the efficiency and openness of the program, which was brought about by the administration’s dedication to job creation and economic growth. By offering citizenship to 1 million foreign immigrants in 2022, the US has created a new history for the third time. In FY 2022, 1,023,200 immigrants who had dependent children and parents who had obtained US citizenship were naturalized.

The USCIS has processed 275,111 immigrant green card requests relating to work, in addition to the State Department’s petitions for overseas visas.

US Investor Visa Program

Citizens of treaty countries have a doorway to invest and operate a business in the United States owing to the E-2 Treaty Investor Visa, also known as the US Investor Visa Programme. The E-2 visa offers foreign investors the ability to live and work in the US on a renewable basis, but it does not give a straight path to permanent residency like the Green Card program. The Biden Administration’s focus on promoting entrepreneurship and innovation has created a favourable environment for investors seeking to establish or expand their business ventures in the United States. Through the U.S. diversity visa program, often known as the visa lottery, roughly 50,000 individuals earn green cards each year. The yearly number of diversity visas would be increased to 80,000 under legislation proposed by the Biden administration.

Enhances immigration enforcement and border security

The administration’s top priorities are still strengthening border security and providing safe, legal migratory routes. The almost $25 billion budgeted amount for US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) is an increase of nearly $800 million from the level approved for 2023 when border management expenditures are taken into consideration.  The budget allocates money for CBP to hire 350 more Border Patrol agents, $535 million for border security technology at and between ports of entry, $40 million to fight fentanyl trafficking and dismantle international criminal groups, and money for CBP and ICE to hire 460 more processing assistants. The financing would enable ORR to strengthen and build upon the programmatic enhancements this administration made to the unaccompanied minors program and would assist in the resettlement of up to 125,000 refugees in Fiscal Year 2024.

Challenges and Considerations

While the Biden Administration has brought positive changes, it is important to note that challenges and considerations remain. These include the potential for increased scrutiny in the adjudication process, stricter enforcement of program requirements, and ongoing legislative developments that may impact the eligibility criteria and investment thresholds. The winds of change brought by the Biden Administration have swept through US immigration policies, breathing new life into the US Green Card by Investment and Investor Visa programs. Prospective investors must stay vigilant, adapt to evolving legislative developments, and seek the guidance of experts to navigate the intricacies of the application process. By staying informed and harnessing the opportunities presented by the Biden Administration’s immigration policies, investors can shape their futures and contribute to the economic fabric of the United States.


The Biden Immigration policy tracker shows the number of new policies brought by the Biden Administration, the number of Trump policies the Biden administration revoked and the policies which are still ongoing, blocked or never finalized.

Implications and Future Outlook

The impact of the Biden Administration’s immigration policies extends beyond immediate policy changes. The US announced an increase in humanitarian aid to Mexico and Central America of about $23 million. The shift in approach displays a more profound dedication to human rights, inclusivity, and a compassionate immigration system. The policies of the Biden Administration address structural problems and would also affect the social and economic aspects of the nation, therefore impacting millions of immigrants’ lives. The bill would allow roughly 7 million undocumented immigrants to seek work permits, driver’s licenses, and protection from deportation. The Build Back Better Act, which would make several immigration reforms possible, is being pushed for passage.

The government, with its strong commitment to diversity, has ushered in an era of openness, effectiveness, and accessibility. The comprehensive bill would revamp the country’s current family-based immigration system, change the requirements for employment-based visas, and boost the number of diversity visas. It would also offer an eight-year road to citizenship for the estimated 10.5 million undocumented residents of the country. As a result of the Biden-Harris Administration’s plans to accept up to 20,000 refugees from Latin America and Caribbean nations in Fiscal Years 2023 and 2024, the United States is on track to more than triple the number of refugees admitted from the Western Hemisphere in only this Fiscal Year. By reversing restrictive measures, introducing reforms, and emphasizing a more welcoming approach, the administration has opened doors for many opportunities in the United States. 


The US immigration laws have seen considerable changes under the Biden Administration, which has placed a strong emphasis on inclusivity, undone restrictive provisions, and proposed extensive revisions. These policy changes represent a dedication to a kinder and more welcoming approach, helping to shape the future of immigration in the US. Increased efficiency and reduced processing times have eased the path for aspiring investors, while enhanced communication channels have fostered better engagement with applicants. Given the administration’s commitment to comprehensive immigration reform, there is a good probability that these programs will be enhanced and expanded in the future. This promotes a climate that is advantageous for business investment and economic growth. Although the long-term effects of these regulations have not yet been completely realized, the immediate effect is encouraging.

If you still have any queries, connect with our team, and we will be more than happy to assist.


The American Dream Magnifies: Growing Interest among Indians in the US EB-5 Investment Visa Program

The US EB-5 Visa program seeks to entice international capital into developed areas with high unemployment.

The United States is an attractive destination for business professionals due to its superpower status, economic growth, ample business opportunities, and equal rights and benefits for citizens. The EB-5 Visa program offers a way for foreign investors to obtain US permanent residency by investing in projects that create jobs in underemployed areas and developed regions. The program is open to eligible investors worldwide, including those from India, and has already granted visas to many Indian investors who have invested in real estate projects.

Features and Benefits of EB-5 VISA

1. There is no prerequisite for language skills either.

2. Be relatively quicker to process and have a seamless procedure.

3. Can become a citizen of the US by staying there as a permanent resident for at least five years.

4. They have access to government positions, cheaper tuition costs, healthcare financial help, freedom of movement, and social security benefits.

5. You can sponsor qualified family members to immigrate to the US and work there without any limits.

6. Partners and children under the age of 21 are also granted permanent residency in the US, which can be passed down through the generations.

Two different investment alternatives for EB-5 visas

1. Direct Investment: Investors have the option of making a direct investment or an investment in a US company worth up to USD 500,000 or USD 800,000, depending on whether the company is located in a Targeted Employment Area. Or invest $1.05 million into a company with a strong employment rate.

2. Regional Center Investment: In this case, the investor transfers the funds to a real estate or construction project that serves as a fund manager through a regional centre approved by the US. Various levels of return on investment are permitted for some low, medium, and high-risk projects. Candidates must pick their initiatives carefully.

Targeted Employment Area: Given the time commitment, it may either be a rural location or a place with significant unemployment (at least 150% of the national average). Any territory outside of a metropolitan statistical area (MSA) or inside the limits of a town or city with an estimated population of at least 20,000 is considered a rural area.

Eligibility Requirements for EB5 Visa

1. Invest $500,000 or $800,000 in a business that is situated in a high-unemployment region known as a Targeted Employment region. The project must be in a rural or high-unemployment area with an unemployment rate at least 150% higher than the national average to qualify for TEA funding. Outside of urban centres, the TEA region consists of cities and towns with a minimum population of 20,000.

2. The sum would be USD 1,050,000 if you invested in a company outside of the Targeted Employment Area (TEA).

3. Create at least 10 full-time, permanent jobs for qualified US citizens and residents.

4. The applicant must directly generate jobs for the firm outside the regional centre by taking on the role of employer for a new commercial operation or establishing owned subsidiaries.

5. Direct or indirect employment may be generated by the new business venture inside the regional hub.

6. Before investing, the “Immigrant Petition by Alien Entrepreneur” must be accepted using the 1-526 Form.

US EB-5 Detailed Application Process

1. Choosing an appropriate EB-5 Project: The initiatives might be for brand-new businesses or regional centres. The authorized investor income criteria for the EB-5 procedure must also be met.

2. Make an Investment and I-526 Petition: After deciding on a project and a company in the US, you must pay the required capital investment, agree to an escrow account, and submit an I-526 petition to USCIS.

3. Two-Year Conditional Permanent Residency: With the approval of the I-526 petition, you are qualified for two years of conditional residency in the US under the EB-5 visa application procedure.

4. Unconditional Permanent Residency and the I-829 Petition: Before the expiration of your conditional residence, you must file an I-829 petition to become a permanent resident of the United States. From the time the I-829 petition is filed, it takes between 22 and 45 months to receive a green card.


With the alluring US EB-5 Visa program, ignite your goals and take advantage of this once-in-a-lifetime chance. There are no restrictions or obstacles; only endless possibilities. A world of fortune in the country of dreams is yours to open when you join the ranks of successful Indian investors. The EB-5 Visa program invites you to take a fantastic trip to the United States with its simple application procedure, outstanding perks, and opportunity to build a brighter future. Take hold of your American dream right away.

For individuals interested in US citizenship or residency through investment, My Global Citizenship is a trusted immigration consulting firm. In addition to offering a truly global perspective on citizenship by investment and residency by investment, we have extensive knowledge of these programs. In addition to providing comprehensive services, we also assist our clients in selecting and applying for a second citizenship or residency. We also assist them in obtaining final approval for their second citizenship. We provide expert assistance and support at every stage of the process, ensuring a seamless transition.

If you still have any queries, connect with our team, and we will be more than happy to assist.


The Green Card Backlog: A Growing Crisis

A significant issue that affects talented immigrants from every corner of the world is the backlog for green cards. The yearly ceiling on green cards, the per-country restriction, and the strong demand for green cards from qualified workers are a few of the causes contributing to the backlog.

As of 2023, there is a backlog of over one million applicants waiting for green cards in the employment-based category. The wait times for these green cards can be extremely long, causing significant difficulties for skilled immigrants. They are unable to work legally in the United States, travel freely, or bring their families to join them.

What is the Green Card Backlog?

A permanent resident visa known as a “green card” enables a person to live and work in the US continuously. Both family-sponsored and employment-based immigrants can receive green cards.

The green card backlog refers to the situation where individuals have applied for green cards but are still waiting because the number of green cards issued each year is limited. U.S. Citizenship & Immigration Services (USCIS) reported that as of FY2021, there were over 9 million green card applicants who were still pending.

Applicants who are awaiting a green card based on their job status are included in the total backlog of green cards as part of the work-related immigration backlog. The backlog has been growing steadily because of the protracted processing holdups and the overwhelming demand. The Congressional Research Service (CRS) published a report in which the analysis projects that by FY2030, the projected EB-1 backlog is expected to grow from 119,732 to 268,246, the estimated EB-2 backlog would rise from 627,448 to 1,471,360, and the estimated EB-3 backlog would rise from 168,317 to 456,190.

About 68% of the employment-based backlog as of April 2020 came from India. Over 200,000 skilled Indian immigrants are expected to pass away before when they could acquire a green card (barring a change in the legislation), making them the group to suffer the most from the backlog.

What Are the Causes of the Green Card Backlog?

Some factors have contributed to the green card backlog, including:

1. The annual cap on green cards: The cap for employment-based green cards is set at 200,000 per year, and it has not been increased for over 20 years. Even though more individuals are now eligible for green cards, the limit remains the same.

2. The per-country limit: Green cards are also subject to a per-country restriction. Due to this cap, each nation may only receive a specific amount of green cards annually. For immigrants from nations with significant demand for green cards, including India and China, this has produced a backlog.

3. The high demand for green cards from skilled workers: Green cards are in great demand from qualified employees. This is because positions in a variety of sectors, including engineering, healthcare, and technology, require competent employees to fill them.

The Impact of the Green Card Backlog

Skilled immigrants are being severely harmed by the green card backlog since they are unable to lawfully work in the country, travel without restriction, or bring their families with them.

1. Unemployment: Many skilled immigrants who are waiting for green cards are unable to find work in the United States. This is because they are not eligible for most jobs without a green card.

2. Financial hardship: Many talented immigrants are suffering financially as a result of the green card backlog. Because they are unable to legally work, they cannot support themselves. This may result in debt, destitution, and homelessness.

3. Family separation: Separation of families is another effect of the green card backlog. Many skilled immigrants are restricted from bringing their spouses and kids to the country. This might lead to anxiety, concern, and unhappiness.

Among the afflicted immigrants and their allies, the backlog in green card applications has also led to a great deal of resentment and activity. The hashtags #StopAsianHatred, #ModernSlavery, #GreenCardBacklog, and #FairnessBill have recently been popular on Twitter. One of the organizations that have been utilizing social media to spread awareness and push for solutions to solve the backlog is the Green Card Backlog Coalition (@GCBCoalition).

What Can Be Done to Solve the Green Card Backlog?

Several things may be done to clear the backlog of green cards. These consist of:

1. Raising the annual cap on green cards: The annual cap on green cards has to be increased to reflect the growing demand for them.

2. Eliminating the Per Country limit: The per-country limitation should be eliminated to ensure that all immigrants have an equal chance of obtaining green cards.

3. Building a merit-based immigration system: Immigrants with advanced degrees and abilities would be given preference for green cards under a merit-based immigration system.

The Eliminating Backlogs Act of 2023, commonly referred to as H.R. 1535, is a proposed solution to the green card backlog. This legislation is supported by both parties and aims to address the issue by making unused employment-based green cards available since 1992. By exempting these unused green cards from the 7% per-country cap, the bill provides relief to immigrants who are waiting in the backlog. The bill was introduced on March 10, 2023, by Representatives Raja Krishnamoorthi and Larry Bucshon. Along with reducing the backlog, the legislation also aims to facilitate family reunification and contribute to the US’s economic growth.


The green card backlog presents significant challenges for skilled immigrants, causing unemployment, financial difficulties, and family separation. Addressing this issue requires policy changes, such as raising the annual cap, eliminating per-country limitations, and implementing a merit-based immigration system. The proposed Eliminating Backlogs Act of 2023 offers a potential solution to alleviate the backlog and promote fairness and economic prosperity.

For individuals interested in US citizenship or residency through investment, My Global Citizenship is a trusted immigration consulting firm. In addition to offering a truly global perspective on citizenship by investment and residency by investment, we have extensive knowledge of these programs. In addition to providing comprehensive services, we also assist our clients in selecting and applying for a second citizenship or residency. We also assist them in obtaining final approval for their second citizenship. We provide expert assistance and support at every stage of the process, ensuring a seamless transition.

If you still have any queries, connect with our team, and we will be more than happy to assist.

UK Innovator Visa

UK Innovator Visa: A Complete Guide for Entrepreneurs and Investors

Innovators and investors love the UK because it’s a global hub for innovation and entrepreneurship. UK Innovator Visas are meant to encourage entrepreneurs to develop businesses here and contribute to the nation’s economic prosperity. Investing in the UK gives you the chance to contribute to the country’s economy and gain a UK Innovator Visa.

UK Citizenship by Investment

Citizenship by investment is a method by which investors can become British citizens by investing significantly. Donations to government funds or purchases of property or businesses in the UK can be used as investments. The amount of investment required varies with the specific program.

The UK government offers two programs for investors who are looking to obtain a UK investment visa:

1. Tier 1 Investor Visa: You must invest at least £2,000,000 in British firms (regardless of the number of dependents) to qualify for a Tier 1 Investor visa before you can apply for permanent residency (ILR – Indefinite Leave to Remain). According to the investment amount, you will be eligible to apply for permanent residency in a few years: A permanent residency permit can be obtained for £2,000,000 in five years, £5,000,000 in three years, and £10,000,000 in two years. There are additional costs and fees. When moving from another accepted category, you are eligible for residence both inside and outside the UK. The first visa is given for three years and four months with a possible two-year extension.

2. Innovator Visa: Those investors seeking UK citizenship via investment with the Innovator Visa. The minimum investment for the visa is £50,000, but it must go toward starting and maintaining a firm in the UK. The investor might apply for a visa extension or a stay that is unrestricted after the business is up and making money.

Eligibility Criteria: The applicant must meet the following criteria to qualify for the UK Innovator Visa and UK citizenship by investment:

1.  Own a company concept that is creative, feasible, and scaleable and has the approval of a UK-endorsing organization.

2.  Have possession of investment capital totalling at least £50,000 to help their firm.

3.  Possess sufficient means to maintain oneself and any dependents independently of government assistance.

4.  Be proficient in the English language at a minimum of CEFR level B2.

5.  Give evidence of the investment’s funding source.

6.  Demonstrate that they have a good character and do not have a criminal record.

7.  Pass the Life in the UK Test, which tests knowledge of UK culture and history.

The chart represents the cumulative nationality distribution of main applicants for the UK Innovator Visa since 2019. The data reveals the percentage distribution of applicants from various countries. The highest number of applicants, accounting for 18%, are from India, followed closely by China with 17%. Nigeria and Pakistan constitute 9% and 8% respectively. Hong Kong and the USA account for 6% and 5% respectively. Egypt and Russia each make up 2.9% of the applicant pool. The remaining 31% comprises applicants from other countries. This chart provides valuable insights into the nationalities of investors applying for the UK Innovator Visa, showcasing the diverse range of entrepreneurs and innovators seeking opportunities in the United Kingdom.


Innovative, Viable, and Scalable Business Idea: It is designed for entrepreneurs who have a new and innovative business idea that is viable and scalable, revenue-generating, and growth-oriented.

Approved UK Endorsing Bodies: To apply for the UK Innovator Visa, entrepreneurs must have their business idea endorsed by an approved UK endorsing body. These endorsing bodies are organizations that have been approved by the UK government to assess the viability and scalability of business ideas. There are currently several endorsing bodies in the UK, including Tech Nation, The Bakery, and Seedcamp.

Access to Investment Funds: An applicant for the UK Innovator Visa must have a minimum of £50,000 available as investment capital to support their business. This may come from personal savings, venture capital, angel investors, etc. Access to capital held by regulated financial institutions is necessary for entrepreneurs.

Sufficient Funds to Support Themselves: The business owner has to have enough cash on hand to meet all of their daily costs, such as food, housing, and healthcare. A company’s finances and dependents will determine the amount required. 

Proficiency in the English Language: Entrepreneurs applying for the UK Innovator Visa must be proficient in English at a minimum of CEFR level B2. By that, we mean that they can speak, read, write, and understand English properly.

Application Process: The application process for the UK Innovator Visa involves the following steps:

1. Find an approved UK endorsing body and receive an endorsement letter.

2. Prepare and submit your Innovator Visa application online. The application fee is £1,021.

3. Submit any required documentation, such as evidence of investment funds, verification of English language ability, and any other pertinent records.

4.  Credibility interview with UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI)

5. After approval, you will get a visa with a validity of three years.

6.  Extension of the innovator visa is possible only if the company has shown growth in the last three years.

Here are the statistics on the rejection rate of innovator visa applications country-wise:

The acceptance rate of the innovator visa is nearly 74% for Indian citizens, and the rejection rate is 24.5%, and it is improving per year. 


Advantages of the UK Innovator Visa: The UK Innovator Visa provides investors as well as entrepreneurs with several advantages, including:

1. A chance to contribute to economic growth and start a business

2. Having excellent Research and Development facilities and a crew with exceptional skills

3. The ability to bring family members to the UK, including spouses and children under 18.

4. The availability of free internal transit inside the European Union (EU) and market access

5. The opportunity to permanently reside and work in the UK and maybe pass citizenship on to future generations


Innovator visas and UK citizenship by investment offer several appealing options for entrepreneurs and investors who wish to start a business in the UK. A lower minimum investment requirement for the Innovator Visa is available, but citizenship is not directly possible. The entry-level investment required for citizenship is higher, although it provides a faster path to citizenship. In the end, the investor’s specific aims and situation will determine which of these two solutions they choose.

If you still have any queries, connect with our team, and we will be more than happy to assist.


Unveiling the Enhanced EB-5 Regional Center Program: Your Comprehensive Guide to Investor Success

With the introduction of the EB-5 Reform and Integrity Act of 2022, the EB-5 Regional Center Program has experienced substantial changes, therefore both present and potential investors must be educated.

The lack of specified restrictions regarding age, business training, managerial abilities, expertise, or language competence is one of the main benefits of the EB-5 visa. It is a desirable option for anyone desiring permanent residency in the US due to its flexibility.

For entrepreneurs seeking an accelerated route to permanent residency as well as the many investor families that submitted their applications previous to the RIA, the EB-5 Reform and Integrity Act of 2022 (RIA), which reauthorizes the EB-5 Regional Center Program, is great news.

The EB-5 program, which was first established by the US Congress in 1990, is a job-creation project that boosts the US economy using foreign direct investments. Investors must make an ‘at risk’ investment that generates at least 10 new employment in the nation to qualify for this program, which is run by the USCIS (United States Citizenship and Immigration Services).

The EB-5 program allows for the issuance of up to 10,000 visas annually, with specific caps limiting the number of visas that can be allocated to a single country.

Why Choose the EB-5 Visa?

The EB-5 visa offers permanent residency to the applicant, their spouse, and unmarried children under the age of 21, without the need for re-qualification in the future. It provides numerous advantages and fewer constraints compared to other visa programs worldwide. Notably, the EB-5 visa does not impose requirements regarding age, business training, management skills, experience, or language proficiency.

Important Modifications to the EB-5 Regional Center Program:

Under the new legislation, the Regional Center Program is reauthorized for 5.5 years until September 30, 2027.

The ‘grandfathering’ provisions will assist entrepreneurs who have an I-526 on file or submit their I-526 applications by September 30, 2026, letting them finish the EB-5 process even if the regional centre program were to expire once again.

The minimum investment level has been set at $1.05 million, which can be reduced to $800,000 for projects located in qualified high-unemployment or rural areas, or for infrastructure projects.

Starting on January 1, 2027, a minimum amount of investment will be based on the higher dollar value and will be increased for inflation every five years. The calculation for the smaller amount is 75% of the greater amount.

New visa set-asides have been introduced, allocating 20% of all visas to investors who invest in projects qualifying as rural, 10% reserved for investments in high unemployment areas as defined by the new law, and 2% allocated for infrastructure projects.

Investors already in the United States on another visa can now concurrently file their I-526E petition, the initial step in the EB-5 process, with their I-485 for adjustment of status. This presents a valuable opportunity for investors with temporary work or student visas to remain in the country. Additionally, new integrity measures have been implemented, providing increased reporting requirements for regional centres and their operators to safeguard investor interests.

Understanding Regional Centers:

The majority of EB-5 investments are made through Regional Centers, which are organizations chosen by the USCIS to foster economic development in particular American regions through EB-5 investments. These Regional Centers locate, create, and oversee investment opportunities that are specifically crafted to satisfy EB-5 program standards.


In conclusion, the EB-5 Reform and Integrity Act of 2022 has significantly altered the EB-5 Regional Center Program, making it crucial for present and prospective investors to keep informed. The EB-5 visa is a tempting choice because of the program’s flexibility, absence of severe restrictions, and a chance for US residency through investment. Entrepreneurs and investor families have additional prospects thanks to the Regional Center Program’s renewal. Investors may traverse the program with confidence thanks to significant changes in investment levels, visa set-asides, and integrity controls. It is essential to comprehend the function of regional centres since they are essential to facilitating EB-5 investments and promoting regional economic development. Investors may make wise judgments and benefit from the possibilities provided by the EB-5 Regional Center Program by remaining updated about these important changes.

For individuals interested in US citizenship or residency through investment, My Global Citizenship is a trusted immigration consulting firm. In addition to offering a truly global perspective on citizenship and residency by investment, we have extensive knowledge of these programs. In addition to providing comprehensive services, we also assist our clients in selecting and applying for a second citizenship or residency. We also assist them in obtaining final approval for their second citizenship. We provide expert assistance and support at every stage of the process, ensuring a seamless transition.

If you still have any queries, connect with our team, and we will be more than happy to assist.


The Best Citizenship by Investment Programs for 2023

Citizenship by investment programs has become extremely popular among investors looking for more prospects and international mobility in today’s globalized environment. Individuals can make significant investments abroad, which paves the way to obtaining their desired citizenship. Let’s explore some of the best citizenship by investment programs that stand out for their reputation, benefits, and potential for investors looking to secure new citizenship.

The  CBI Index provides a valuable benchmark for investors evaluating different Citizenship by Investment options, helping them understand the relative strengths and weaknesses of each program and make an informed choice based on their preferences and requirements. We can see that St. Kitts and Nevis join Dominica as one of the top citizenship by investment program.

Source: Times Of India

1. St. Kitts and Nevis Citizenship by Investment Program

St. Kitts and Nevis Citizenship by Investment Program is a renowned pathway to acquiring citizenship in the very beautiful Caribbean islands and offers investors and families a chance to enjoy different opportunities and benefits.

St. Kitts and Nevis Citizenship by Investment Program is one of the most reputable and authentic ancient programs. It presents two investment options: a non-refundable contribution to the Sugar Industry Diversification Foundation or an investment in real estate sanctioned by the government. The program provides visa-free or visa-on-arrival access to over 150 countries, making it an attractive choice for global mobility. 

The investment amount in a development fund for a single applicant would be $150,000 and would increase proportionally with respect to the size of the family.  An investment in a property or real estate would be over $200,000. St. Kitts and Nevis offer a stable political environment, a favourable tax regime, and a relaxed lifestyle amidst breathtaking natural beauty

2. Saint Lucia Citizenship by Investment Program

Through a variety of benefits and advantages, the Saint Lucia Citizenship by Investment Program offers an attractive prospect for investors and families to become citizens of this lovely Caribbean country.

The authenticity and accessibility of the Saint Lucia Citizenship by Investment Program are remarkable. The first option could be investing in the National Development Fund, which would require $100,000 plus other costs. A five-year investment in government bonds is another choice, and it would cost about $200,000 to invest in real estate projects that the government has approved.

The programme serves as a portal for international mobility by offering visa-free or visa-on-arrival entry to more than 140 countries. Saint Lucia offers a comprehensive tax system, social security, and a relaxed lifestyle amidst stunning natural landscapes. 

3. Grenada Citizenship by Investment Program

An efficient and convenient investment program for investors is the Grenada Citizenship by Investment Program. The citizenship opens doors to business expansion, international education, and a tranquil island lifestyle that caters to both relaxation and adventure.

The two investment options include a contribution to the National Transformation Fund, which would be over $150000 for a single applicant and over $200000 for a family, or an investment in government-authorized real estate, which would be around $220000. Successful applicants gain the privileges and advantages of Grenadian citizenship. 

The program grants visa-free access to over 140 countries, including the United Kingdom and China, offering seamless global mobility. The lush landscapes, pristine beauty, along with the internal balance and tax system, are an added advantage.

4. Antigua & Barbuda Citizenship by Investment Program

The Antigua & Barbuda Citizenship by Investment Program offers several routes to citizenship. The options for investment are flexible, and the country also encourages entrepreneurs and investors and offers many incentives as well.

Applicants can choose between making a financial contribution to the National Development Fund, which would be a minimum of $1000000, or investing in government-approved real estate, which would be over $200000. The individuals could also invest in a business venture. 

Antigua & Barbuda citizens enjoy visa-free or visa-on-arrival access to over 150 countries, including the United Kingdom, Schengen Area, and Canada. The program also facilitates seamless international travel for business, leisure, and exploring new horizons. The benefits of citizenship also include premium education, healthcare, and other basic amenities of life.

5. Dominica Citizenship by Investment Program

The Dominica Citizenship by Investment Program is well known for its efficient, effective, and economical process. Along with the opportunities, the culture, environment, travel mobility, and other resources provided are immense.

It offers two investment options: $100,000 contributions to the Economic Diversification Fund or a minimum investment of $200,000 in real estate that has been granted government approval. 

More than 140 countries give Dominicans visa-free or visa-on-arrival entry, including the Schengen Area and the United Kingdom.  Tax advantages include no wealth, gift, inheritance, or capital gains taxes. Dominica actively encourages foreign investment and offers various incentives to attract businesses. 

6. Malta Citizenship by Investment Program 

The Malta Citizenship Investor Programme is a highly regarded citizenship by investment program that offers investors and families an expedited path to Maltese citizenship and access to various international opportunities. 

Through a combination of financial contributions, real estate investment, and residency requirements, successful applicants can obtain Maltese citizenship, which includes the benefits of European Union citizenship. The first option for investment would be the national development and social fund run by the government, which would be around $600000 or $700000 based on the year of residency. The investment made by purchasing real estate would cost around $700,000.

The MIIP offers several advantages, including visa-free access to over 180 countries, political stability, and a favourable tax system. Citizenship in Malta opens doors for improved quality of life, business development, international mobility, and a lot more.

7. Turkey citizenship by investment

The Turkey Citizenship by Investment Program offers a unique blend of rich cultural heritage and exciting investment opportunities, making it an enticing choice for investors seeking second citizenship. 

Investors can choose their options wisely as to whether they would like to make an investment in real estate, make a capital investment, or create job opportunities based on their financial planning and resources. The minimum investment required for the Turkey Citizenship by Investment Program is $400,000 in real estate and around $500,000 for capital investment.

The program grants visa-free or visa-on-arrival access to over 110 countries, including the European Union, offering enhanced global mobility. Turkey boasts a strategic location bridging Europe and Asia, and investors can benefit from access to quality education and a high standard of living.

8. Montenegro Citizenship by Investment Program

The Montenegro Citizenship by Investment Program offers a straightforward pathway to Montenegrin citizenship through various investment options. Montenegro combines stunning natural beauty, a thriving tourism industry, and a favourable tax system, and successful applicants gain access to these privileges.

Investors have the option of contributing to the nation’s Economic Diversification Fund or funding real estate ventures that have received official approval. Based on the region, the minimum investment for the Montenegro Citizenship by Investment Program is between €450,000 and €250,000, with a contribution of €100,000 to the government.

Citizens enjoy visa-free or visa-on-arrival access to numerous countries, including the Schengen Area. Additionally, the country offers attractive business prospects, a high standard of living, and a welcoming lifestyle amidst gorgeous coastal towns and mountainous landscapes.

Source: Sovspot

The above graph shows the cost of citizenship by donation along with the additional fees for a family of four. We can see the highest is for Grenada which amounts to $221,040 and the lowest donation among them is for Antigua & Barbuda which amounts to $148,200.


The best citizenship by investment plans for 2023 gives investors the chance to invest in several nations to gain second citizenship. Investors can choose wisely to obtain their chosen citizenship and benefit from it by taking into account factors like visa-free travel, investment choices, and program reputation. These programs have consistently been recognized for their reputation as well as for the immense opportunities they offer. However, it is crucial to conduct thorough research, seek professional advice, and stay updated with the latest regulations and requirements to make an informed decision that will align with your personal and financial goals.

If you still have any queries, connect with our team, and we will be more than happy to assist.