Top Countries for Residency by Investment 2024

Countries for Residency by Investment

Residency by investment is one of the best ways to migrate to another country to explore better living and financial opportunities or for economic expansion. The residency by investment programs come with various additional perks and benefits. They make the applicant eligible to enjoy elevated living conditions, facilities, and various other amenities after migrating to another country. 

However, there are various rules, regulatory legal obligations, and criteria that applicants have to fulfill to acquire eligibility in the best countries for residency by investment. Every country that is considered best for its residency by investment programs has its own set of requirements and eligibility standards.

If you are also planning to migrate to another country for better economic exposure, here we have shared everything worth knowing about the terms and benefits of residency by investment. We have also shared the list of the most preferred and best countries for residency by investment, along with necessary details about the eligibility and application process for their residency by investment programs

What is Residency by Investment?

Residency by investment, also known as the Golden Visa program, allows foreign nationals to secure residency in a country by making a qualifying investment of a specific value. These programs allow applicants and their families to live, study, and work in a foreign country for a specific period, which can also be extended. Additionally, residency by investment is also a way to secure a country’s citizenship in the long run. In most countries, the residency permit is offered to the applicant along with their spouse, parents, and financially dependent children. 

Many people often confuse residency with citizenship, thinking they are similar. However, there are significant differences between the two. If you’re confused about which is Right for You? you have come to the right place.  We have listed various benefits of residency by investment that one can leverage while residing in a non-native country. 

Countries for Residency by Investment in 2024

Let us now go through the list of the best countries for residency by investment and learn about the specifications of their residency by investment programs in detail. 


The residency by investment program in Greece, also known as The Greek Golden Visa, allows foreign nationals to secure residency by investing 250,000 Euros or more. However, in prime areas, the minimum investment amount is 800,000 Euros. You can acquire the residency by investing in Greece through one of the following pathways:

  • Investing in real estate.
  • Taking a licensed hotel or tourist home on lease for at least ten years.
  • Direct investment in company capital, bonds, and fixed deposits.
  • Mutual fund investments.


To acquire a residency by investment in Spain, you have to adopt one of the following ways:

  • Make an investment of 500,000 Euros or more in real estate.
  • Deposit at least 1,000,000 Euros in a Spanish bank.
  • Making an investment of 2,000,000 Euros or more in government bonds.
  • Establishing a business that heavily contributes to the Spanish economy.

By fulfilling any of the above-mentioned criteria, you can secure a residency permit in Spain.


You need to fulfill one of the following conditions to acquire residency by investment in Portugal, which undoubtedly offers one of the best residency-by-investment programs:

  • Make an investment of 500,000 Euros in Portuguese funds or research institutes.
  • Contribute at least 250,000 Euros to preserve the cultural heritage in Portugal.
  • Establish a business with a minimum investment of 500,000 Euros in Portugal to create jobs.
  • Offer new full-time positions to at least 10 Portuguese citizens.

Investing in Portuguese funds is often considered to be the most suggestible option to obtain residency by investment. 


The affordability of the residency programs makes Italy one of the best countries for residency by investment. There are four ways to obtain a residency permit in Italy: 

  • Make an investment of 250,000 Euros in an official startup.
  • Purchasing shares of existing Italian companies for 500,000 Euros or more. 
  • Investing at least 1,000,000 Euros in public interest projects.
  • Buying government bonds with a minimum of two years’ maturity for 2,000,000 Euros or more. 


UAE is one of the most sought-after countries for residency by investment. You must fulfill one of the following eligibility to obtain a residency permit to explore the lifestyle and economic opportunities in the UAE:

  • Depositing a minimum of AED 2 million and obtaining a letter of approval from the concerned legal authorities.
  • Own one or more properties in the UAE valued at a minimum of AED 2 million. 
  • You must also submit a valid commercial or industrial license along with proof of capital of no less than AED 2 million. 


Cyprus offers one of the best and speediest permanent residency by investment programs. For this, you need to meet one of the following criteria:

  • Purchase residential or commercial properties of 300,000 Euros or more.
  • Buy shares in Cypriot companies for at least 300,000 Euros.
  • Make investments in the securities issued by the Cyprus Investment Fund Association. 

By fulfilling any one of these conditions, you would be eligible to acquire a permanent residency in Cyprus.

Wrapping Up!

Every country included in the list of best countries for residency by investment has its own set of benefits, perks, and eligibility criteria. You can choose among the above-mentioned residency by investment programs that best suit your individual goals and preferences. However, you need to be prepared with the required documents and information to sail through the processes successfully. For this, you can seek assistance from My Global Citizenship, one of the top immigration consultancy firms in India. 

Having personalized, dedicated, and expert assistance from experienced immigration consultants will help you smoothly navigate the application process, paperwork, and legal permissions, ultimately helping you conveniently secure the residency by investment in your desired country. 

So, what are you waiting for? Get in touch with us now!



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